[COMPLETE] Forearm – Progress Card

a.) Probing the ligament near lateral epicondyle of humerus.. radial nerve?

b.) Grip: make fist / outstretch

c.) Fendente / Montante (in both prima and terza) = Ulnar flexion / Radial flexion (in pronation 90deg and supination 90deg from horizontal)

c 1.) Wrist stretches (wrt arm horizontal as if resting palm down on a surface)
– flexion (downwards)
– extension (upwards)
– radial flexion (inwards)
– ulnar flexion (outwards)

Particularly, compound stretches: arm up, fingers stretched back (wrist extension) or forward (wrist extension), laterally rotated and stretched.

c 2.) Gentle and slow wrist dowel flexions
1×15 fendente+montante from prima, terza
1×10 with light resistance: fendente; montante, wrist in prima, terza
(Finish with 1×10 pronations+supinations 6o’clock to 3.30)

25.10 01.11 20.11
No resistance 1×10 1×15 2×15
Light resistance 1×10 1×15

c 3.) Rubber ball squeeze repetitions

25.10 01.11 20.11
Yellow ball (light) 3×10 3×10 1×10

3 Responses to [COMPLETE] Forearm – Progress Card

  1. xviiia says:

    Progressing well, but not strong enough for cutting drills even for sabre using the Hanwei Hutton. (Cut 2 particularly taxing.)
    Stick to sabre left-handed.

  2. xviiia says:

    a.) Ligament probe: No pain, but deep dull ache.
    b.) Grip: No pain, but not strong.
    c.) Exercises working.

    IRL easier to carry heavier loads with left arm.
    Not a big problem; in fact preferring my left might promote some more natural ambidexterity. Which is nice.

  3. xviiia says:

    IIRC – 2 years on, near normal functionality restored.
    Self-rehabilitation successful!
    3 years on: no trace of the impairment.

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