Updates and updating blog — Progress Card

Much has happened over the last 2 years.

New focus:
Narrowed from a generic Bolognese approach, to focus on using Manciolino as a base and keeping as pure as possible, to avoid ‘frog-DNA’ and ‘cross-contamination’ as much as possible.

New equipment:
Steel Regenyei sidesword + steel Bydand small buckler

Much training:
Solo drills, structured freeplay.
Working semi-frequently with a training partner at the club, who shares much the same approach.

Sparring externally:
Informally and competitively vs members of other clubs, at comparable or higher levels of skill/training, learning from success.
Ready to gain from sparring more highly skilled opponents, learning from defeats.
Soon may even be ready to spar newbies (!)
(why.. learning by teaching, learning by thinking in-situ with slower tempos and bigger tells)

Updating plan
Update the fundamentals to reflect new focus

Only delete non-informative posts without content.
Archive and retire redundant posts, do NOT delete.

. a categorising system
. . for content and material,
. with the tagging system
. . to track progress in terms of
. . . evidence
. . . . (source reference vs speculative);
. . . confidence
. . . [etc]
. . [etc]
. . or to track/link concepts pan-category

Either way, upload/transfer notes from elsewhere
. offline/
. Google keep/
. doc files/
. emails
. from tiddlywiki? Or keep as parallel (private, and feeding through to blog public)?

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